Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hello everyone, Im back!

After almost 3 years of not updating my blog I decided to check in and see if anything had happend. I'v got alot of new friends I see. All the super awesome spammers, with tons of new links I should check out, NOT. Im gonna try to delete them and make this blog as clean as possible.
Anyway, alot has happend the passed 3 years, after the best trip of my life ended the 22 dec. 2004. When I came back home from USA, I slacked for a few months before I started my education as an Electrician. I finished the 2nd year out of 4½ in the beginning of May and Im still such an failure when it comes to stream. I thought this would be the perfect job for me really, since my name is Michael Strøm Madsen. "Strøm" as in "Stream" in english. GET IT? (what a lame joke by the way - but I still hear it every day). Enough about my job!

What else have I been up to..? Well for starters I started to play this game called World of Warcraft. Iv been playing it ever since it came out in the early 2005. Its a online game were you waste a lot of time and get to know a lot of uncool people who thinks they are gods of some kind. The sad thing is that Im still playing it and using alot of time doing so, but I got the feeling that I will see the light, get out of the shadow and quit the game:) And now to something else..

To all the ACE people out there who knows about this blog, which is close to zero now I bet. LOOK OUT! rumor says that my sister can be found among the volunteers this year. To be more precisely She is right now as we speak in Santa Cruz in California working like a slave! Im so happy that she got accepted to join ACE. Here is a link for all ze people who have no clue what Im talking about:

_Anyway_ I better stop now. I got lots of things coming up now, which I want to share with you guys, so check back once in a while cause Im planing on updating this blog abit more often



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